Pamela Reynolds

for Fremont Unified School District Board

Home Page

What she can offer

About Pamela

How you can help

Pamela and the Internet

What do I think about vouchers?

On Closing Schools



How to Donate to my Campaign

Political campaign donations are an essential part of an election campaign. The funds provide fliers, signs and other material to help voters know about me and my positions. I have to raise about $20,000 to cover the costs of these items - it costs almost $1,000 just to get on the ballot. And unfortunately, these donations are not tax-deductible.

Checks must be payable to:  Pamela Reynolds for school board

Here's the information that I need to accept a campaign contribution





And, of course, email and  phone number would be appreciated so I could contact you.

As always,

Thank you for your support!



Paid for by Pamela Reynolds for Fremont Unified School District Board FPPC # 1227725

P.O. Box 14234  Fremont, Ca  94539         

Telephone: (510) 657- 2170       e-mail: